Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Common Injuries In Rear-end Accidents

Common Rear-End Collision Injuries in California Auto Accidents
Car crashes can result in many different types of injuries. The nature and severity of a victim's injuries are closely related to the type of collision that occurred. One of the most common types of collisions is the rear-end collision, which happens when the front of one motor vehicle slams into the back of another motor vehicle. While this type of accident is often considered to be relatively minor, the assumption that rear-end accident victims never sustain serious injuries is false.

Any injured victims of rear-end accidents that were caused because of another party's negligent acts should contact an experienced Palmdale & Lancaster, CA auto attorney as soon as possible. Many injuries in this type of accident can result in substantial losses and auto accident victims deserve proper compensation from the responsible party.

Neck and back injuries
When a car crashes into you from behind, your head is often sent flying forward on your neck and then will suddenly snap back. This can result in serious trauma to your neck, back, and spine. One of the injuries most commonly associated with rear-end collisions is whiplash,1 which result from the snapping of your head like a whip. Whiplash refers to a variety of soft tissue injuries and can often cause a victim serious pain and limitations for mobility for an extended period of time.

Traumatic brain injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)2 occur when the brain tissue is damaged, most commonly when it hits against the inside of the skull. This can happen when you hit your head against an object such as a steering wheel, dashboard, or even windshield. Even if an airbag prevents you from hitting your head, the sudden jolt of a rear-end collision can cause your brain to shake inside the skull and cause a TBI.

Broken bones
Many rear-end collision victims sustain fractures in their face, arms, ribs, or legs. These broken bones generally occur from the deployment of an airbag, the tightening of the seat belt, putting their hands out to brace themselves, and similar factors.

No matter what type of injury you suffer in a rear-end collision, do not hesitate to call a Palmdale & Lancaster, CA auto attorney for a free consultation today.

Steven M. Sweat, APC
5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
Los Angeles, CA  90036
(323) 944-0993


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How Is a Car Accident Case Started?

How to start an auto accident lawsuit in Palmdale, CA
If you have sustained a serious injury in a car accident in Palmdale or Lancaster, CA, you may wonder whether you are entitled to compensation from another involved party. Even if you know another party was at fault, you may not know where to begin in order to take legal action against them. The following is some information regarding how a car accident case is started in California.

Speak with a lawyer
If you have been injured, you should always consult with a Palmdale & Lancaster, CA auto attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can evaluate whether you have a valid claim and can advise you of your options according to the law. If you decide to proceed, your car accident lawyer can represent you and guide you throughout every stage of the legal process. Speaking with a legal professional is a highly important first step to obtaining compensation.

Determine whether insurance compensation will be adequate
In some cases involving relatively minor injuries, the negligent party's insurance company may be willing to cover your losses, meaning no subsequent legal action will be necessary. Even if the initial insurance settlement offer is insufficient, your attorney can negotiate with the insurance company to help you obtain the settlement you deserve for your medical expenses, lost income, and other relevant losses.

Filing a petition for a personal injury claim
If the insurance company refuses to offer an adequate amount even after negotiations, you may have to file a lawsuit against the negligent party to hold them liable for your losses. A lawsuit is initiated when you file a petition in civil court. A petition must contain certain information, including the following:

·         Names of the parties to the lawsuit;
·         Why the court has jurisdiction1 over the case;
·         The facts of how the car accidents occurred;
·         Your specific legal claims of negligence;2
·         The damages you are seeking in the claim.

Drafting a proper and persuasive petition is imperative, so you should always seek the assistance of an experienced Palmdale, California injury attorney if you believe you may need to initiate a case.

Steven M. Sweat, APC
5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
Los Angeles, CA  90036


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Single-car Accident in Palmdale or Lancaster is Often Not Your Fault

If you suddenly crash your car, you often immediately will believe you have no right to recover any damages because no one else was involved. However, there are many instances in which individuals injured in single-car accidents can recover because another party either caused or contributed to your accident. Anyone involved in any type of accident should always discuss a possible case with a Palmdale or Lancaster accident and injury attorney as soon as possible. The following are some examples of negligent parties in single-car collisions:

Road hazards – Imagine you are driving at a safe speed, paying complete attention to the road, and you suddenly come upon a huge pothole in the road. Encountering an unavoidable pothole can cause you to lose control for many reasons. For example, you may instinctively swerve to miss the pothole and may collide with another vehicle or drive off the road. If you drive through the pothole, your tire may blow, causing the vehicle to become uncontrollable. Potholes are not the only road hazard that may cause accidents. Others may include:

·         Large cracks in the road
·         Objects and obstacles left in the road
·         Curves that have speed limits that are too high
·         Dangerous intersections

Vehicle defects – Even if you do not encounter a road hazard, you may lose control if a part on your vehicle suddenly fails. Such parts can include brakes, tires, steering, and even airbags.1 If a part is defective and causes your accident, the manufacturer responsible for the defect should be held accountable through products liability2 principles.

Drivers of other vehicles – Even if yours is the only vehicle that crashes, it does not mean that another driver was not responsible for your crash. Drivers can be negligent and cause single car accidents in many ways, including:

·         Dangerous lane changes
·         Running you off the road
·         Negligent merging
·         Sudden braking or stopping
·         Wrong-way driving

The above are only some of the ways that single-car accidents can happen without the fault of the injured driver. Anyone injured in any type of accident should consult with Palmdale accident injury lawyer today.
